American Causal Inference Conference (ACIC)
May 2022, University of California, Berkeley
Calibration Error for Heterogeneous Treatment Effects.
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)
March 2022, Virtual
Poster Video
A Conditional Random Forest Approach to Estimating the Most Cost-effective Individualized Treatment Rule.
Journal of Statistical Meetings, Health Policy Statistics Section (JSM)
August 2021, Virtual
Pdf slides
Estimating the Optimal Individualized Treatment Rule from A Cost-Effectiveness Perspective.
American Statistical Association, Biopharmaceutical Section Regulatory-Industry Statistics Workshop Program (ASA)
September 2019, Washington D.C.
Random-Forest Based Personalized Treatment Rule Optimization from A Cost-Effectiveness Perspective with An Application to the SPRINT Study.
The 3rd Annual Translational Hypertension Symposium and Early-Stage Investigator Workshop
September 2019, University of Utah
Was the Effect of Intensive Blood Pressure Intervention on CVD Risk Heterogeneous in the SPRINT Study?
The 2nd Annual Translational Hypertension Symposium and Early-Stage Investigator Workshop
September 2018, Salt Lake City, Utah
Optimal Study Design for Diagnostic Accuracy Studies: Differential Verification versus Partial Verification.
Association for Clinical and Translational Science (ACTS)
September 2017, Washington D.C.