Yizhe (Crystal) Xu

Hi! I am Yizhe, an assistant professor in the Division of Epidemiology, Department of Internal Medicine, at the Univeristy of Utah. Before coming to the U, I did my postdoc in the Center of Biomedical Informatics Research (BMIR) at Stanford, advised by Nigam Shah. I received my bachelor's degree (BSc) in Nursing from China and both my master's degree (MSc) in Biostatistics and my doctorate degree (PhD) in Population Health Sciences at the University of Utah. My advisors for my doctoral training were Jincheng Shen and Tom Greene.

I am interested in causal inference, semiparametric statistics, and machine learning methods. I am passionate about applying advanced methods in statistics and machine learning to answer meaningful questions in biomedical research. My recent research has focused on the estimation of heterogeneous treatment effects in clinical trials or using large-scale high-dimensional electronic health record (EHR) data and identification of (dynamic) individualized treatment rules.

You can find me on Github, Google Scholar, LinkedIn, and Twitter or email me at yizhe.xu@hsc.utah.edu. A copy of my CV is available here.